Degree qualified teachers, Diploma & Certificate III educators
We understand that our educators play a significant role in the lives of the children who attend the centre, their families and the community. Every child requires and deserves significant support and care. Our educator to child ratio is above the required standard and our staff exceed the required education level. Our educators are passionate and dedicated to ensuring your child is provided with the best start possible in their lifelong educational journey.
As the cornerstone for lifelong learning, we prioritise early childhood education. Our programmes are designed to assist children become self-assured, confident, and contributing members of society while preparing them for their transition to school and to the larger community.
Children acquire concepts and skills via play and experiences that are focused on their interests thanks to the collaboration of educators, families, and children in the development of our programme. A balance between is maintained between learning that is prompted by the child and learning that is guided by the educator.
Laurel Tree House's developmental program is based upon an emergent curriculum, the Early Years Learning Framework, and the National Quality Framework. We also offer extension work for children may they need it.
We have designed our program with a focus on five key learning outcomes:
• Children have a strong sense of identity.
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
• Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
• Children are confident and involved learners.
• Children are effective communicators.
Program Includes:
Yoga, Dance​, Physical Education, Art, Geography, Technology, Science, Music, Literacy, Environment & Sustainability, Numeracy
Project Room & Thought Centre
We have constructed and considered every aspect of the centre of learning in proportion to your child's development. Our bespoke spaces allows both indoor and outdoor play in any weather, and this free-flowing, developing environment is ideally purposed to your child's growth and wellbeing. Our majestic Victorian home is the perfect place for your child's reflections, engagement, and interaction with others.
School Readiness
Our School Readiness program is designed to prepare children for their transition to the more structured and independent environment of school. It is our belief that a comprehensive and holistic school preparation program is an essential part of a child's learning journey. Our program focuses on building each child’s confidence, independence, social, physical and intellectual skills.
Our goal is to ensure that every child who graduates from our centre is fully prepared for their next development journey.